Our hands - a healing tool

I am fascinated by the creative potential of our hands. We do not need studies to prove that engaging our hands in a creative activity is deeply healing. Our hands are indeed the extension of our brain. Be it preparing delicious meals, digging in the soil in the garden, sewing, knitting or some other creative process - we come away feeling calmer and more grounded. Looking back on my life, I see how I always turned to a hands-on activity whenever there was a transition, a big change in my life. Hand-stitching, embroidering, painting , drawing and now felting have helped me navigate challenging times. To see the result of our work blossom from our hands is beautiful, grounding, balancing and deeply healing. Also, the observation that I felt intuitively drawn to self-expression through a creative process is proof again that something deep down inside of us is whole, complete and perfectly fine. It is our inherent wisdom, the aspect of ourselves that knows the right response to every situation in life and quietly guides us towards it. So I embroider, felt and draw and all the while stay amazed at the source of it all. Please check out, even Like or Follow, my Facebook Page: Designs by Marika. Why Marika? That is what I am called in my native language of Hungarian, That is what my Mom and friends in Hungary call me. It has all the warmth, familiarity and comfort one's native language naturally offers.



Spend an afternoon with me and fellow crafters and learn to sew beautiful felt flowers in vibrant colours and a variety of designs. Then you will use these flowers to adorn a wreath. All supplies will be provided except for a wreath frame. Pleas bring your own or you may purchase one from me. Investment: $75.00 (4-hour workshop)

Wet-felting for Teens: Learn to wet-felt your own beret, ruffled scarf or felted jewellery

Wet-felting for Teens: Learn to wet-felt your own beret, ruffled scarf or felted jewellery

Are you interested in learning how to make your own stylish beret or ruffled scarf or designing your own felted jewellery using the ancient technique of wet-felting? In these fun and messy workshops, you will be designing and making stylish accessories using fine Merino wool, lots of soap and water. All material and felting supplies will be provided. Bring your enthusiasm and be ready to roll up your sleeves and unleash your creativity. 1. Beret making workshop 2. Wet-felt your own ruffled scarf 3. Make your own felted jewellery

Meditation in ink

Meditation in ink

I also like to draw in my own simple meditative style and I call my drawings meditation in ink - they engage me with a gentle focus and gift me with a sense of calm and contentment. All my drawings are filled with hearts, flowers and creatures from Nature reflecting the inherent simplicity of Life and its abundant offering of simple pleasures, blessings, and joy. Some of my drawings are printed as cards and are available for purchase at my home studio.

Wet-felting Workshop: Learn to wet-felt a wool beret

Wet-felting Workshop: Learn to wet-felt a wool beret

Do you like stylish hats? Do you enjoy learning new skills? Join me in this fun and messy workshop that introduces you to the ancient technique of wet-felting. You will learn to wet-felt your own stylish beret using fine Merino wool. All material and supplies will be provided and you will walk away with a new hat made by you! Tea and treats will be served. Come on your own, or come with a friend. Investment: $85 To ensure maximum attention and to deepen connection, I work with small groups of 3 people. Contact me to register through my website or on Facebook @Designs by Marika. Did you know? Wool is one of the oldest and most versatile natural fibers to work with. Did you know there are many benefits of wearing wool? Check out the list below: Lowering heart rate Being mostly non-allergenic Having a natural resistance to mildew Self-regulating temperature Being non-toxic Helping with arthritis Helping with allergies and asthma Helping with fibromyalgia Wool is also said to improve sleep, help with skin conditions, and have antibacterial properties.