About image
MARIA TEGLAS  CYT-500, Certified iRest® Yoga Nidra Meditation Teacher, Certified Mudra/Hand Yoga Teacher

The versatile set of tools the system of yoga has to offer for physical, mental/emotional as well as spiritual health have supported my life for over 20 years. It is wonderful to look back on this journey of two decades and feel deep gratitude not only to those who facilitated this journey but to myself also for taking ownership of and staying a curious and devoted caretaker of my own wellbeing. Why would I want to do that? The answer is simple: because I can only tend to the work that is mine to do if I cultivate a deep and loving relationship with myself.

As an immigrant from Hungary, the mother of five sons, and one who was there for herself on every step of her healing journey from a bout of postpartum depression and an anxiety disorder (OCD) after the birth of my third son, my life is a testimony to the healing power of yogic practices and the wisdom teachings of yoga.

Taking care of your health and well-being is a DAILY and LIFE-LONG commitment in which simple practices such as breathing, mudras and meditation play a vital role. Why? Because they can be practiced in every single moment of your life. Wherever you are, your breath is there, your hands are available, as is your capacity to be aware of what is arising within you at any given moment. Take your own breathing as an example: the average person takes over 18,000 breaths per day. This simple fact makes breathing a powerful intervention when you begin to use your breath to improve your health and wellbeing. How about unlocking the healing power in your hands and fingers using ancient healing hand gestures? Mudras such as Mudra for Protecting your Health, Mudra for Calming your Mind, Mudra for Patience, Mudra for Facing Fear, Mudra for Tranquilizing the Mind (and many many more...) could support you in becoming your own creative, resourceful, committed and loving caretaker.

We already have everything within us to survive and thrive on our human journey. We are born whole and complete  and our wholeness does not change throughout our life, only our experiences do. It is this birthright of wholeness, built-in tools,  inherent wisdom and knowledge that I invite you to explore, reclaim and apply to support your own health, healing, well-being, and vitality like I do.

Try my offerings if you want to learn simple yet potent tools to deal with stress, anxiety, insomnia, pain or general malaise and a lack of vitality.
In addition to a slow and mindful Hatha yoga practice on Zoom, I also offer classes/workshops in the practice of Mudras/Hand Yoga (ancient healing hand gestures), iRest Yoga Nidra Meditation, and the Practice of Pranayama (Breathing Practices).

One last thing:
I deeply value the gift of a SMILE because 'A kind face is a precious gift.'